2nd Grade

What are we learning and doing this week? (9/14-9/18)

EL Modules- 

Monday-Friday - Close read aloud of Off to Class



Monday-Friday- Module Writing for Off to Class

Monday- p. 17 EL Workbook

Tuesday- p. 20 EL Workbook

Wednesday -p. 21 EL Workbook

Thursday- p. 19 EL Workbook 

Friday- p. EL Workbook 


Independent Work- Work on writing a paragraph with a topic sentence, 3 details, and a closing statement. 

Topic statement: I have learned many facts about ______________________.

Details: First, Next, Last, 

Closing statement: _______________ are interesting ___________________.

Videos to watch to create a hamburger paragraph: 

Dog facts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmNYKN96rqE

Cat facts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBUTaoYVgXc

Hampster facts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDL9cb8dNpA

Snake, Lizard, Dragon facts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCGw4JuCw_M



Monday- Odd and Even 

Tuesday- Odd and Even and Odd and Even Quiz



Extra math practice- pages 29-34 in the math problem solving workbook (dark green book)

Math assignments in class dojo. 

Wednesday- Friday: One step word problems 

Wed- pages 11 and 12 in the practice and problem solving book

Thurs- pages 13 and 14 in the practice and problem solving book

Fri- pages 15 and 16 in the practice and problem solving book

Weekend Homework: pages 17 and 18 of the practice and problem solving book 
